Karina Seynaeve

Karina Seynaeve (dsk.lotsofleuven@gmail.com) guides you through Leuven with original, exciting and relaxing walks.  Surprise yourself and bring along your family, friends or colleagues.We look forward to experience with you unforgettable moments, to discover unknown images of buildings, statues, sculptures and much more Have a look at the calendar and send an email, if you are […]

Didier Spruyt

Didier Spruyt (dsk.lotsofleuven@gmail.com) guides you through Leuven with original, exciting and relaxing walks.  Surprise yourself and bring along your family, friends or colleagues.We look forward to experience with you unforgettable moments, to discover unknown images of buildings, statues, sculptures and much more Have a look at the calendar and send an email, if you are […]

Lut De Haes

My name is Lut De Haes. I am a native of Leuven, with a few years’ trip to the Netherlands (Maastricht). In my spare time, I am much into art (drawing, painting, visiting museums) and gastronomy. I graduated as a city guide in Leuven in 2020. Afterwards, I took additional training courses of museum guide […]

Rita Van Bruggen

Sono Rita, una sessantenne attiva e vivace, con un grande amore per la cultura, l’arte e la storia. Sono guida di Lovanio. Poiché mi piace raccontare storie alle persone, questo aspetto è la parola chiave delle mie visite guidate, insieme al trasferimento di conoscenze sul tema scelto. Non riempio i miei gruppi di centinaia di […]

Rita Van Bruggen

Ich bin Rita, eine quirlige, aktive Mittsechzigerin mit einem großen Herz für Kultur, Kunst und Geschichte. Ich bin ausgebildete Stadführerin in Leuven, begeistert und mit Leienschaft nehme ich meine Gruppen mit durch diese wuderschöne Stad. Da ich den Menschen gerne Geschichten erzähle, ist dieser Aspekt das Schlüsselwort meiner Führungen, zusammen mit der Wissensvermittlung zu dem […]

Rita Van Bruggen

I am Rita, city guide in Leuven a spunky, active sixty-something with a warm heart for culture, art, history. I guide with great enthusiasm and passion. Since I like telling stories to people, this aspect is the key word of my guide tours, together with knowledge transfer on the chosen theme, sharing interesting information. Humour […]

Rita Van Bruggen

Je suis Rita, guide urbain de Louvain, une sexagénaire active et pleine d’entrain, avec un cœur chaleureux pour la culture, l’art et l’histoire. Je guide avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme et de passion sur différents thèmes.Comme j’aime raconter des histoires aux gens, cet aspect est le mot clé de mes visites guidées, ainsi que le transfert de […]

Brigitte Degeest

Are you constantly thirsting .. for learning, understanding and excited discovery? Do you have an insatiable desire for sparkling knowledge, tingling experiences and continuous wonderment? Do you love being swept away by thrilling stories about Leuven/life past and present? Then you’ll be in good company when you go off with me! Your ‘Lookee here!’ enjoyment […]

Philippe Degelin

L’histoire m’a toujours fascinée. Après des études en histoire, ma carrière professionnelle a pris une autre direction, mais l’intérêt est toujours resté. Lors de mes voyages et dans mes lectures, les lieux et les événements historiques étaient et sont toujours au centre de mon attention. L’envie d’en faire quelque chose de plus actif est devenue […]

Kristin Vandaele

After very pleasant student years in the Dijle city, I stuck around in Leuven – like so many of my compatriots from far-off West Flanders.  Actually, I know Leuven better than the city where I grew up. And because I like to share my enthusiasm, I have since become an accredited Tourism Flanders guide. You […]